EGU 2024
Talk in the session ‘Earth system models at km-scale and beyond: Implications of resolving smaller scale processes on the climate and challenges’
I am a PhD student and university assistant working in the Climate Dynamics and Modeling group led by Aiko Voigt at the University of Vienna. I also collaborate closely with Michela Biasutti at Columbia University. My research focuses on tropical precipitation and related processes, such as convectively coupled equatorial waves, mesoscale organization or monsoon circulations. My main area of interest is the semi-arid Sahel region of Africa.
PhD Candidate
University of Vienna
Visiting Student
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
MSc Physics
University of Vienna
BSc Physics
University of Vienna
Talk in the session ‘Earth system models at km-scale and beyond: Implications of resolving smaller scale processes on the climate and challenges’
Talk in the session ‘Monsoon systems in the past and present and under future climate change’
Talk in the session ‘The Greening of the Sahara – reconstructions, impacts and theory’
Lecture series ‘Green Finance’ at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
Shifting Realities - Fünfter Zukunftsdialog at the BG Vöcklabruck
The Fredy & Nadine Herrmann Institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Klimadonnerstag - Childrens outreach program by the University of Vienna (DOCK: Labor für Zukunftsfragen)
Cycle 3 nextGEMS hackathon in Madrid